Hendersonville, TN (January 20, 2019) — The world of Southern Gospel has grown with the birth of Autry Clark Kemp. Autry was born Friday, January 18, 2019, to proud parents Kasey Kemp of Avenue and Haley Kemp. Big sister Avaline is also proud of her baby brother.

Shortly following the birth, Autry began showing signs of respiratory distress. As a precautionary measure, the baby was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit at a Nashville area hospital. Reports indicate significant improvement as Autry is breathing with little assistance. Autry was delivered at 37 weeks to avoid diabetes related complications. Haley Kemp, a Type 2 diabetic, is recovering well following the cesarean section delivery.

“We know that God has Autry in his hands. Your friendship and love encourage us more than you will ever know,” commented Kasey Kemp.

Avenue and the Kemp family ask for continued prayers on their behalf.

The Southern Gospel group is comprised of Kasey Kemp, who sings baritone. The lead part is sung by Jacob Lagesse, while the tenor part is carried by Corey Lackey. Avenue expects to continue their ministry dates as scheduled.

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Lindsey Graham Ministers in Sweden

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