CLICK HERE FOR DIGITAL ACCESS We are excited to announce that Singing News is upgrading our digital issue reading experience to a new platform. Here, you will find all the same features of Singing News previous digital issues, plus some wonderful upgrades. ACTION REQUIRED: To access your new digital issue platform, take these five easy steps below. (NOTE: You will only have to do this once). All following issues will be added to your library whenever a new issue is released. 1: Visit 2: Enter your email address (use the email you used to purchase the magazine). 3: Create a password. 4: Tap Register. 5: Tap on the Library tab to access all of your issues. Enjoy! Features to look forward to with our new Singing News digital issue reading experience: • Optimized for your Device: Enjoy a seamless reading experience, built for IOS, Android and every browser. Here are the links for the mobile apps: iOS: Android: • Offline Reading: Download issues to your desktop or mobile app to read them whenever and wherever you want, with or without an internet connection. • Easy Bookmarking: Bookmark interesting Singing News articles to read later. • Text View: Toggle to responsive view for an easy reading experience. • Reading Mode: Change background to light, dark, sepia, or gray background and change the font size. • Interactive Table of Contents: View available articles and jump from one story to another with ease. • Text to Speech: Siri will read to you the entire article when you’re in the mobile app