Grandma’s Prayers

In reality there is nothing different or special about a new year. Monday, January 1st, is just another Monday. The significance of New Years is the...
Billy Graham, CCM Magazine - image

Billy Graham / A Tribute

In reality there is nothing different or special about a new year. Monday, January 1st, is just another Monday. The significance of New Years is the...

With My Song I Will Praise Him

In reality there is nothing different or special about a new year. Monday, January 1st, is just another Monday. The significance of New Years is the...

HELLO 2018

In reality there is nothing different or special about a new year. Monday, January 1st, is just another Monday. The significance of New Years is the...

It’s Been A Minute Or Two

You may or may not be aware that I have taken an extended leave of absence from writing my monthly article, “In Other Words”, for the online version of Singing News.

Answered and Unanswered Prayers

Have you ever been in a situation where you were keenly aware that God was way ahead of your situation and had provision ready when you needed it? My wife and I just had such a situation. We recently moved, which is another whole story in itself. (Whoever invented moving needs to be hung or shot or something!)